Hair Training Update

Hey, folks! I wasn't sure what to write about this was a toss-up between hair and a deep-in-the-feels post. I honestly wasn't even expecting anyone to chime in with a preference...I was prepared to go through that internal battle solo. BUT, much to my surprise, so many of my IG squad actually reached out [...]

Head Cold Miracle Tea

A few days ago I came down with the dreaded "spring cold." You know...the kind you get when the weather is just starting to turn with the sun shining, flowers budding, and the birds chirping that spring is here. Colds that come at the start of spring are honestly not much different than winter colds [...]

Inside the Closet of an Enneagram 4

Ever tried dressing yourself in the morning & mysteriously become surrounded by a hoard of clothes? Ever have a vision for that day's outfit, only to have it totally NOT work the way you expected it to? Ever change your clothes 10+ times in one morning? Every cry real tears over this? I'm not saying [...]